viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2023


September marks Vascular Disease Awareness Month.

Venous diseases affect approximately 40-50% of the population, far more than heart disease and strokes.

The understanding of vascular disease by the general public is often poor, even though every part of the body to which blood and lymph flow can be affected. 

The blood circulatory system is formed by superficial and deep veins, which carry oxygen-poor blood back to your heart so it can be reoxygenated before being cycled through the body again.

Veins are an important part of the circulatory system, and it’s important to treat venous diseases when spotting the warning signs because they can negatively affect the circulation. Most people don’t realize the problems veins can cause. 

Vein disease may be associated with a fullness and pressure sensation, and possibly pain and fatigue in the lower leg as the day progresses. Venous disease can cause swelling (edema) and skin changes in the future. Sometimes vein issues require medical interventions such as medication or more intensive treatment to restore the health and functionality of the veins, and the treatment plan depends on the specific vein disease and its severity.

Vascular diseases can lead to complications if they aren’t treated. Some may require immediate treatment while others can slowly worsen over time, regardless, any disease that impacts the health and function of the veins or arteries should be taken seriously.

Examples of vascular diseases include:
  • Arterial diseases, such as peripheral artery disease (PAD), renal artery disease, popliteal entrapment syndrome, and carotid artery disease

  • Venous disease, including varicose veins, spider veins, venous ulcers, superficial thrombophlebitis, and chronic venous insufficiency.

  • Blood clotting disorders, including pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

  • Aortic aneurysm

  • Lymphedema

Vein issues can be corrected with lifestyle adjustments such as:

  • Regular exercise 
  • Healthy eating habits
  • Controlling “bad” cholesterol
  • Stop smoking
  • Limiting alcohol consumption
  • Reducing Stress
  • Limiting sitting or standing still for long periods of time
  • Using compression stockings.

Please help share information and raise awareness of vascular disease throughout September.


(Click on the texts to read the research articles)

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